Grease that is washed down a drain may seem to disappear, but in fact, it collects in the drain line and hardens to the consistency of cement. Grease build up in a line severely limits the flow and results in repeated back-ups.
To be assured that the main sanitary line does not have grease build-up, breaks or root penetration, you can request a diagnostic inspection of your system. Such an inspection will:
Provide a CD or DVD clearly showing the condition, flow, direction, and footage of the line, and if, needed, we can also locate its depth.
Identify and locate any abnormalities in the system, such as, grease, foreign objects, roots, misalignment and sags.
Pinpoint the location of the problem areas in need of repair or replacement.
After a proper diagnosis has been made, Drain Shooter can outline the best course of action to remedy the immediate situation and can recommend a grease trap maintenance program specifically tailored to your business needs. Call us today.